Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wanderlust: Jersey Girl

With a delayed flight, migraine and runny nose, I was not ecstatic when I finally arrived at the Newark International Airport at around 5PM EST yesterday.  I walked begrudgingly to pick up my 23.5 KG luggage and waited for Paulo to come pick me up.  A few moments later, I finally saw him walking (or jogging, I would like to think that he was in a hurry to see me, thank you.) towards me.  First smile in Jersey, priceless.

My only wish at that time was to go home and take a long bath, but we needed to drop by Walmart (to get some toiletries) and the Morristown diner (he is very hungry) first. I have been at the diner before and loved its easy and casual atmosphere.  He went for steak and eggs, while I had chicken tenders (I don't know why I've been eating this much chicken either).

Test shot - Vignette Leaky Toy Camera mode

His steak and eggs

My chicken tenders (I only finished half of it, promise) 
*di ako defensive, nagsasabi lang ng totoo >:) *

I was still disoriented so I forgot to take "before" pictures of the food.  Diner food presentation is not very interesting anyway so these should be fine. 

Organized chaotic stuff, check!  Long bath check!  Knockout...zzz.

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